Do you need to think positive to have a good life?
Hello readers and welcome to the newest edition of Acertivo’s substack.
Today’s topic is for all of you who believe that to be productive and do the things that matter, you need to have a clear mind - free of distractions, negative thinking, and emotions.
It is a continuation of the theme we had last week - about having a true self (spoiler alert if you haven’t read it - there is no true self).
So, have you ever felt frustrated that you could not do something that you wanted or that your mind was full of other thoughts instead of focusing on the task and on motivation, then - you guessed - you are not alone.
Or if you ever felt that “without all these thoughts my life would be so much better.”
All minds do that.
Next time you feel like that I am inviting you to picture this:
Picture your thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations like clouds in the sky.
Some clouds are fuller and bigger and seem to be heavy and dense.
Some clouds are covering up the sky and seem like they will never go away.
Some clouds are storm bringing and scary.
Some clouds are soft and easy and just move around really quickly on the sky.
And sometimes there are no clouds at all.
These are your thoughts emotions & physical sensations.
Some are heavier and scarier than others, some are easygoing and nice to look at.
And now picture your mind as the sky.
The sky remains unchanged no matter what clouds are on it, no matter how much the clouds linger on.
The clouds are temporary. Always. The sky is always there.
Everyone who has been on an airplane on a cloudy day will tell you that above the clouds, there is always the sky.
The fact that you have these thoughts does not change what matters to you.
It does not change the fact that you are the same.
Just the thoughts, emotions, and sensations change.
So, next time you get caught up in your thoughts and think that you must get rid of them to have a good day/ life/ career just bring this image to mind and remember that the sky remains the same.
Take care!